-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of functions, such as associativity and commutativity

-- The contents of this module should be accessed via `Algebra`, unless
-- you want to parameterise it via the equality relation.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)

module Algebra.Ordered.Definitions
    {a } {A : Set a} -- The underlying set
    (_≲_ : Rel A )   -- The underlying order relation

open import Algebra.Core
open import Data.Product
open import Function using (flip)
open import Function.EquiInhabited using (_↔_)

-- Properties of operations

-- FIXME: the use of ⇔ here introduces noise. There is no need for the
-- additional equality proofs.

LeftResidual : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
LeftResidual _∙_ _⇦_ =  {x y z}  (x  y)  z  x  (z  y)

LeftEval : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
LeftEval _∙_ _⇦_ =  {x y}  ((y  x)  x)  y

RightResidual : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
RightResidual _∙_ _⇨_ =  {x y z}  (x  y)  z  y  (x  z)

RightEval : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
RightEval _∙_ _⇨_ =  {x y}  (x  (x  y))  y

Residuated : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
Residuated    = LeftResidual   × RightResidual  

Entropy : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
Entropy _∙_ _◁_ =  w x y z  ((w  x)  (y  z))  ((w  y)  (x  z))

LeftContract : Op₂ A  A  Op₁ A  Set _
LeftContract _∙_ ε  =  x  ((x ˡ)  x)  ε

LeftExpand : Op₂ A  A  Op₁ A  Set _
LeftExpand _∙_ ε  =  x  ε  (x  (x ˡ))

RightContract : Op₂ A  A  Op₁ A  Set _
RightContract _∙_ ε  =  x  (x  (x ʳ))  ε

RightExpand : Op₂ A  A  Op₁ A  Set _
RightExpand _∙_ ε  =  x  ε  ((x ʳ)  x)

_SubidempotentOn_ : Op₂ A  A  Set _
 SubidempotentOn x =  IdempotentOn x
  where open import Algebra.Definitions _≲_

_SuperidempotentOn_ : Op₂ A  A  Set _
 SuperidempotentOn x =  IdempotentOn x
  where open import Algebra.Definitions (flip _≲_)

Subidempotent : Op₂ A  Set _
Subidempotent  =  x   SubidempotentOn x

Superidempotent : Op₂ A  Set _
Superidempotent  =  x   SuperidempotentOn x

LinearDistribution : Op₂ A  Op₂ A  Set _
LinearDistribution _⊗_ _⅋_ =  x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z)