{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections --safe --without-K #-}

open import Level using (suc; _⊔_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Function using (const; flip; _∘_)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Reflexive; Trans)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive using (Star; ε; _◅_; _◅◅_)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive as Star
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric as SymClosure
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence as EqClosure
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as  using (_≡_)

module MAV.Base.Reasoning {a} (Atom : Set a) where

open import MAV.Structure Atom
open import MAV.Base Atom as MAV public hiding (_⟶⋆_)

    P P′ : Structure
    Q Q′ : Structure
    R R′ : Structure
    S S′ : Structure

module Deep where

  infix  1 begin_
  infixr 2 _⟶⟨_⟩_
  infixr 2 _∼⟨_⟩_
  infixr 2 _∼⟨_⟨_
  infix  3 _∎

  data _IsDerivableFrom_ : Structure  Structure  Set (suc a) where
    _∼⟨_⟩_   : (P : Structure)  P ∼ᶜ Q  Q IsDerivableFrom R  P IsDerivableFrom R
    _∼⟨_⟨_   : (P : Structure)  Q ∼ᶜ P  Q IsDerivableFrom R  P IsDerivableFrom R
    _⟶⟨_⟩_  : (P : Structure)  P ⟶ᶜ Q  Q IsDerivableFrom R  P IsDerivableFrom R
    _∎       : (P : Structure)  P IsDerivableFrom P

  data _⟶⋆_ (P Q : Structure) : Set (suc a) where
    begin_ : P IsDerivableFrom Q  P ⟶⋆ Q

  to-≃ : P  Q  P IsDerivableFrom Q
  to-≃ {P} {.P} ε                     = P 
  to-≃ {P} {Q} (SymClosure.fwd φ  ψ) = P ∼⟨ φ  to-≃ ψ
  to-≃ {P} {Q} (SymClosure.bwd φ  ψ) = P ∼⟨ φ  to-≃ ψ

  to-⟶ : P  Q  P IsDerivableFrom Q
  to-⟶ {P} {Q} P⟶Q = P ⟶⟨ emb P⟶Q  Q 

  _`⟨◁ᵈ : P IsDerivableFrom P′  (P `◁ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P′ `◁ Q)
  (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨◁ᵈ = _ ⟶⟨ φ `⟨◁  ψ `⟨◁ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨◁ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨◁  ψ `⟨◁ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨◁ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨◁  ψ `⟨◁ᵈ
  (_ ) `⟨◁ᵈ = _ 

  `◁⟩ᵈ_ : Q IsDerivableFrom Q′  (P `◁ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P `◁ Q′)
  `◁⟩ᵈ (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ⟶⟨ `◁⟩ φ  `◁⟩ᵈ ψ
  `◁⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `◁⟩ φ  `◁⟩ᵈ ψ
  `◁⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `◁⟩ φ  `◁⟩ᵈ ψ
  `◁⟩ᵈ (_ ) = _ 

  _`⟨⊗ᵈ : P IsDerivableFrom P′  (P `⊗ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P′ `⊗ Q)
  (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⊗ᵈ = _ ⟶⟨ φ `⟨⊗  ψ `⟨⊗ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⊗ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨⊗  ψ `⟨⊗ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⊗ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨⊗  ψ `⟨⊗ᵈ
  (_ ) `⟨⊗ᵈ = _ 

  `⊗⟩ᵈ_ : Q IsDerivableFrom Q′  (P `⊗ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P `⊗ Q′)
  `⊗⟩ᵈ (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ⟶⟨ `⊗⟩ φ  `⊗⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⊗⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `⊗⟩ φ  `⊗⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⊗⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `⊗⟩ φ  `⊗⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⊗⟩ᵈ (_ ) = _ 

  _`⟨⅋ᵈ : P IsDerivableFrom P′  (P `⅋ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P′ `⅋ Q)
  (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⅋ᵈ = _ ⟶⟨ φ `⟨⅋  ψ `⟨⅋ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⅋ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨⅋  ψ `⟨⅋ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⅋ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨⅋  ψ `⟨⅋ᵈ
  (_ ) `⟨⅋ᵈ = _ 

  `⅋⟩ᵈ_ : Q IsDerivableFrom Q′  (P `⅋ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P `⅋ Q′)
  `⅋⟩ᵈ (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ⟶⟨ `⅋⟩ φ  `⅋⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⅋⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `⅋⟩ φ  `⅋⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⅋⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `⅋⟩ φ  `⅋⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⅋⟩ᵈ (_ ) = _ 

  _`⟨&ᵈ : P IsDerivableFrom P′  (P `& Q) IsDerivableFrom (P′ `& Q)
  (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨&ᵈ = _ ⟶⟨ φ `⟨&  ψ `⟨&ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨&ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨&  ψ `⟨&ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨&ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨&  ψ `⟨&ᵈ
  (_ ) `⟨&ᵈ = _ 

  `&⟩ᵈ_ : Q IsDerivableFrom Q′  (P `& Q) IsDerivableFrom (P `& Q′)
  `&⟩ᵈ (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ⟶⟨ `&⟩ φ  `&⟩ᵈ ψ
  `&⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `&⟩ φ  `&⟩ᵈ ψ
  `&⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `&⟩ φ  `&⟩ᵈ ψ
  `&⟩ᵈ (_ ) = _ 

  _`⟨⊕ᵈ : P IsDerivableFrom P′  (P `⊕ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P′ `⊕ Q)
  (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⊕ᵈ = _ ⟶⟨ φ `⟨⊕  ψ `⟨⊕ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⊕ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨⊕  ψ `⟨⊕ᵈ
  (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) `⟨⊕ᵈ = _ ∼⟨ φ `⟨⊕  ψ `⟨⊕ᵈ
  (_ ) `⟨⊕ᵈ = _ 

  `⊕⟩ᵈ_ : Q IsDerivableFrom Q′  (P `⊕ Q) IsDerivableFrom (P `⊕ Q′)
  `⊕⟩ᵈ (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ⟶⟨ `⊕⟩ φ  `⊕⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⊕⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `⊕⟩ φ  `⊕⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⊕⟩ᵈ (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = _ ∼⟨ `⊕⟩ φ  `⊕⟩ᵈ ψ
  `⊕⟩ᵈ (_ ) = _ 

  to-⟶ᶜ : P ⟶ᶜ Q  P IsDerivableFrom Q
  to-⟶ᶜ (emb φ) = to-⟶ φ
  to-⟶ᶜ (φ `⟨◁) = to-⟶ᶜ φ `⟨◁ᵈ
  to-⟶ᶜ (`◁⟩ φ) = `◁⟩ᵈ to-⟶ᶜ φ
  to-⟶ᶜ (φ `⟨⊗) = to-⟶ᶜ φ `⟨⊗ᵈ
  to-⟶ᶜ (`⊗⟩ φ) = `⊗⟩ᵈ to-⟶ᶜ φ
  to-⟶ᶜ (φ `⟨⅋) = to-⟶ᶜ φ `⟨⅋ᵈ
  to-⟶ᶜ (`⅋⟩ φ) = `⅋⟩ᵈ to-⟶ᶜ φ
  to-⟶ᶜ (φ `⟨&) = to-⟶ᶜ φ `⟨&ᵈ
  to-⟶ᶜ (`&⟩ φ) = `&⟩ᵈ to-⟶ᶜ φ
  to-⟶ᶜ (φ `⟨⊕) = to-⟶ᶜ φ `⟨⊕ᵈ
  to-⟶ᶜ (`⊕⟩ φ) = `⊕⟩ᵈ to-⟶ᶜ φ

  to-⟶₌ : P ⟶₌ Q  P IsDerivableFrom Q
  to-⟶₌ (inj₁ φ) = to-≃ φ
  to-⟶₌ (inj₂ φ) = to-⟶ᶜ φ

  to-⟶⋆ : P MAV.⟶⋆ Q  P IsDerivableFrom Q
  to-⟶⋆ {P} {.P} ε       = P 
  to-⟶⋆ {P} { Q} (φ  ψ) = trans (to-⟶₌ φ) (to-⟶⋆ ψ)
      trans : Transitive _IsDerivableFrom_
      trans (P ⟶⟨ φ  ψ′) ψ = P ⟶⟨ φ  trans ψ′ ψ
      trans (P ∼⟨ φ  ψ′) ψ = P ∼⟨ φ  trans ψ′ ψ
      trans (P ∼⟨ φ  ψ′) ψ = P ∼⟨ φ  trans ψ′ ψ
      trans (P ) ψ = ψ

  to : P MAV.⟶⋆ Q  P ⟶⋆ Q
  to φ = begin to-⟶⋆ φ

  from : P IsDerivableFrom Q  P MAV.⟶⋆ Q
  from (_ ⟶⟨ φ  ψ) = inj₂ φ  from ψ
  from (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = inj₁ (SymClosure.fwd φ  ε)  from ψ
  from (_ ∼⟨ φ  ψ) = inj₁ (SymClosure.bwd φ  ε)  from ψ
  from (_ ) = ε

open MAV public using (_⟶⋆_)
open Deep public using (_∼⟨_⟩_; _∼⟨_⟨_; _⟶⟨_⟩_; _∎)

infix 1 begin_

begin_ : Deep._IsDerivableFrom_  _⟶⋆_
begin φ = Deep.from φ