{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections --safe --without-K --cubical-compatible #-}

module Algebra.Ordered.Construction.Chu where

-- If we have a preordered closed symmetric monoid with finite meets
-- and chosen element K, then the Chu construction is a *-autonomous
-- preorder. Moreover, if the preorder is duoidal, and K is a
-- ◁-monoid, then Chu(A,K) is duoidal.

open import Level
open import Data.Product as Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; swap)
open import Function.EquiInhabited using (_↔_)
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁; Op₂)
open import Algebra.Ordered
open import Algebra.Ordered.Consequences using (supremum∧residualʳ⇒distribˡ)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Core.Symmetric as SymCore using (SymCore)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Poset)
open import Relation.Binary.Core
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsPartialOrder; IsPreorder; IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Lattice.Definitions
open import Relation.Binary.Lattice.Structures using (IsBoundedMeetSemilattice; IsBoundedJoinSemilattice; IsMeetSemilattice; IsJoinSemilattice)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq using (_≡_)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.PartialOrder as PosetReasoning
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning

module Construction
    {c ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
    {Carrier : Set c}
    {_≈ᶜ_ : Rel Carrier ℓ₁}
    {_≤ᶜ_ : Rel Carrier ℓ₂}
    {_∙ᶜ_ : Op₂ Carrier}
    {_-∙ᶜ_ : Op₂ Carrier}
    {εᶜ : Carrier}
    (∙ᶜ-isResiduatedCommutativePomonoid : IsResiduatedCommutativePomonoid _≈ᶜ_ _≤ᶜ_ _∙ᶜ_ _-∙ᶜ_ εᶜ)
    {_∧ᶜ_ : Op₂ Carrier}
    {⊤ᶜ : Carrier}
    (∧ᶜ-⊤ᶜ-isBoundedMeet : IsBoundedMeetSemilattice _≈ᶜ_ _≤ᶜ_ _∧ᶜ_ ⊤ᶜ)
    {_∨ᶜ_ : Op₂ Carrier}
    {⊥ᶜ : Carrier}
    (∨ᶜ-⊥ᶜ-isBoundedJoin : IsBoundedJoinSemilattice _≈ᶜ_ _≤ᶜ_ _∨ᶜ_ ⊥ᶜ)
    (K : Carrier)

  open import Algebra.Definitions

      w w′ w₁ w₂ : Carrier
      x x′ x₁ x₂ : Carrier
      y y′ y₁ y₂ : Carrier
      z z′ z₁ z₂ : Carrier

    module C where
      open IsResiduatedCommutativePomonoid ∙ᶜ-isResiduatedCommutativePomonoid public
      open IsBoundedMeetSemilattice ∧ᶜ-⊤ᶜ-isBoundedMeet public using (infimum; x∧y≤x; x∧y≤y; ∧-greatest; maximum)
      open IsBoundedJoinSemilattice ∨ᶜ-⊥ᶜ-isBoundedJoin public using (supremum; ∨-least; x≤x∨y; y≤x∨y; minimum)

      poset : Poset _ _ _
      poset = record { isPartialOrder = isPartialOrder }

  record Chu : Set (suc (c  ℓ₁  ℓ₂)) where
      pos : Carrier
      neg : Carrier
      int : (pos ∙ᶜ neg) ≤ᶜ K
  open Chu public

      W W′ W₁ W₂ : Chu
      X X′ X₁ X₂ : Chu
      Y Y′ Y₁ Y₂ : Chu
      Z Z′ Z₁ Z₂ : Chu

  record _≤_ (X Y : Chu) : Set ℓ₂ where
      fpos : X .pos ≤ᶜ Y .pos
      fneg : Y .neg ≤ᶜ X .neg
  open _≤_ public
  infix 4 _≤_

  _≈_ : Rel Chu ℓ₂
  _≈_ = SymCore _≤_

  mk-≈ : X .pos ≈ᶜ Y .pos  X .neg ≈ᶜ Y .neg  X  Y
  mk-≈ pos-eq neg-eq .proj₁ .fpos = C.reflexive pos-eq
  mk-≈ pos-eq neg-eq .proj₁ .fneg = C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym neg-eq)
  mk-≈ pos-eq neg-eq .proj₂ .fpos = C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym pos-eq)
  mk-≈ pos-eq neg-eq .proj₂ .fneg = C.reflexive neg-eq

  ≤-refl : Reflexive _≤_
  ≤-refl .fpos = C.refl
  ≤-refl .fneg = C.refl

  ≤-trans : Transitive _≤_
  ≤-trans x≤y y≤z .fpos = C.trans (x≤y .fpos) (y≤z .fpos)
  ≤-trans x≤y y≤z .fneg = C.trans (y≤z .fneg) (x≤y .fneg)

  ≤-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
  ≤-isPartialOrder = SymCore.isPreorder⇒isPartialOrder _≤_  record
    { isEquivalence = PropEq.isEquivalence
    ; reflexive     = λ { PropEq.refl  ≤-refl }
    ; trans         = ≤-trans

  infixr 5 _>>_

  _>>_ : Transitive _≤ᶜ_
  _>>_ = C.trans

  -- Embedding
  embed : Carrier  Chu
  embed x .pos = x
  embed x .neg = x -∙ᶜ K
  embed x .int = C.evalʳ

  -- Negation/duality
  ¬ : Chu  Chu
  ¬ X .pos = X .neg
  ¬ X .neg = X .pos
  ¬ X .int = C.≤-respˡ-≈ (C.comm _ _) (X .int)

  ¬-involutive : Involutive _≈_ ¬
  ¬-involutive X .proj₁ .fpos = C.refl
  ¬-involutive X .proj₁ .fneg = C.refl
  ¬-involutive X .proj₂ .fpos = C.refl
  ¬-involutive X .proj₂ .fneg = C.refl

  ¬-mono : Antitonic₁ _≤_ _≤_ ¬
  ¬-mono f .fpos = f .fneg
  ¬-mono f .fneg = f .fpos

  -- Monoidal structure
  ε : Chu
  ε .pos = εᶜ
  ε .neg = K
  ε .int = C.reflexive (C.identityˡ _)

  _⊗_ : Chu  Chu  Chu
  (X  Y) .pos = X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos
  (X  Y) .neg = (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∧ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)
  (X  Y) .int =
      (X  Y) .pos ∙ᶜ (X  Y) .neg
      (X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos) ∙ᶜ ((Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∧ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg))
    ≤⟨ C.monoʳ (C.x∧y≤x _ _) 
      (X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos) ∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg)
    ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
      X .pos ∙ᶜ (Y .pos ∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg))
    ≤⟨ C.monoʳ C.evalʳ 
      X .pos ∙ᶜ X .neg
    ≤⟨ X .int 
    where open PosetReasoning C.poset

  ⊗-mono : X₁  X₂  Y₁  Y₂  (X₁  Y₁)  (X₂  Y₂)
  ⊗-mono f g .fpos = C.mono (f .fpos) (g .fpos)
  ⊗-mono {X₁} {X₂} {Y₁} {Y₂} f g .fneg = C.∧-greatest lem₁ lem₂
      lem₁ = 
          (Y₂ .pos -∙ᶜ X₂ .neg) ∧ᶜ (X₂ .pos -∙ᶜ Y₂ .neg)
        ≤⟨ C.x∧y≤x _ _ 
          (Y₂ .pos -∙ᶜ X₂ .neg)
        ≤⟨ C.anti-monoʳ (g .fpos) (f .fneg) 
          (Y₁ .pos -∙ᶜ X₁ .neg)
        where open PosetReasoning C.poset
      lem₂ =
          (Y₂ .pos -∙ᶜ X₂ .neg) ∧ᶜ (X₂ .pos -∙ᶜ Y₂ .neg)
        ≤⟨ C.x∧y≤y _ _ 
          (X₂ .pos -∙ᶜ Y₂ .neg)
        ≤⟨ C.anti-monoʳ (f .fpos) (g .fneg) 
          (X₁ .pos -∙ᶜ Y₁ .neg)
        where open PosetReasoning C.poset

  ⊗-comm : (X  Y)  (Y  X)
  ⊗-comm .fpos = C.reflexive (C.comm _ _)
  ⊗-comm .fneg = C.∧-greatest (C.x∧y≤y _ _) (C.x∧y≤x _ _)

  uncurry : (x -∙ᶜ (y -∙ᶜ z)) ≤ᶜ ((x ∙ᶜ y) -∙ᶜ z)
  uncurry = C.residualˡ ._↔_.to
              (C.trans (C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.assoc _ _ _)))
              (C.trans (C.mono (C.residualˡ ._↔_.from C.refl) C.refl)
                       (C.residualˡ ._↔_.from C.refl)))

  curry : ((x ∙ᶜ y) -∙ᶜ z) ≤ᶜ (x -∙ᶜ (y -∙ᶜ z))
  curry = C.residualˡ ._↔_.to
         (C.residualˡ ._↔_.to (C.trans (C.reflexive (C.assoc _ _ _))
                                      (C.residualˡ ._↔_.from C.refl)))

  curry' : ((x ∙ᶜ y) -∙ᶜ z) ≤ᶜ (y -∙ᶜ (x -∙ᶜ z))
  curry' = C.residualˡ ._↔_.to
          (C.residualˡ ._↔_.to (C.trans (C.reflexive (C.assoc _ _ _))
                              (C.trans (C.mono C.refl (C.reflexive (C.comm _ _)))
                                       (C.residualˡ ._↔_.from C.refl))))

  embed-⊗ :  {x y}  embed (x ∙ᶜ y)  embed x  embed y
  embed-⊗ .fpos = C.refl
  embed-⊗ .fneg = C.trans (C.x∧y≤y _ _) uncurry

  ⊗-embed :  {x y}  embed x  embed y  embed (x ∙ᶜ y)
  ⊗-embed .fpos = C.refl
  ⊗-embed .fneg = C.∧-greatest curry' curry

    Λˡ :  {x y z}  (x ∙ᶜ y) ≤ᶜ z  x ≤ᶜ (y -∙ᶜ z)
    Λˡ = C.residualˡ ._↔_.to
    Λʳ :  {x y z}  (x ∙ᶜ y) ≤ᶜ z  y ≤ᶜ (x -∙ᶜ z)
    Λʳ = C.residualʳ ._↔_.to

  ⊗-identityˡ : LeftIdentity _≈_ ε _⊗_
  ⊗-identityˡ X .proj₁ .fpos = C.reflexive (C.identityˡ _)
  ⊗-identityˡ X .proj₁ .fneg = C.∧-greatest (Λʳ (X .int)) (Λʳ (C.reflexive (C.identityˡ _)))
  ⊗-identityˡ X .proj₂ .fpos = C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.identityˡ (X .pos)))
  ⊗-identityˡ X .proj₂ .fneg = C.x∧y≤y _ _ >> C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.identityʳ _)) >> C.evalˡ

  ⊗-identityʳ : RightIdentity _≈_ ε _⊗_
  ⊗-identityʳ X .proj₁ = ≤-trans ⊗-comm (⊗-identityˡ X .proj₁)
  ⊗-identityʳ X .proj₂ = ≤-trans (⊗-identityˡ X .proj₂) ⊗-comm

  ⊗-identity : Identity _≈_ ε _⊗_
  ⊗-identity = ⊗-identityˡ , ⊗-identityʳ

  ⊗-assoc : Associative _≈_ _⊗_
  ⊗-assoc X Y Z .proj₁ .fpos = C.reflexive (C.assoc _ _ _)
  ⊗-assoc X Y Z .proj₂ .fpos = C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.assoc _ _ _))
  ⊗-assoc X Y Z .proj₁ .fneg =
    let lem₁ =
            ((X  (Y  Z)) .neg ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.monoˡ (C.x∧y≤x _ _)) 
            (((Y .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos) -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            ((Y .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos) -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∙ᶜ (Z .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.∙-congˡ (C.comm _ _) 
            ((Y .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos) -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∙ᶜ (Y .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos)
          ≤⟨ C.evalˡ 
            X .neg
        lem₂ =
            ((X  (Y  Z)) .neg ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ X .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.monoˡ (C.x∧y≤y _ _)) 
            ((X .pos -∙ᶜ ((Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg) ∧ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ Z .neg))) ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ X .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.monoˡ (C.anti-monoʳ C.refl (C.x∧y≤x _ _))) 
            ((X .pos -∙ᶜ (Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ X .pos
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            (X .pos -∙ᶜ (Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ (Z .pos ∙ᶜ X .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.∙-congˡ (C.comm _ _) 
            (X .pos -∙ᶜ (Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ (X .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            ((X .pos -∙ᶜ (Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Z .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ C.evalˡ 
            (Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg) ∙ᶜ Z .pos
          ≤⟨ C.evalˡ 
            Y .neg
        lem₃ =
            (X  (Y  Z)) .neg ∙ᶜ (X  Y) .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.x∧y≤y _ _) 
            (X .pos -∙ᶜ ((Z .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg) ∧ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ Z .neg))) ∙ᶜ (X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos)
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.anti-monoʳ C.refl (C.x∧y≤y _ _)) 
            (X .pos -∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ Z .neg)) ∙ᶜ (X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            ((X .pos -∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ Z .neg)) ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ C.evalˡ 
            (Y .pos -∙ᶜ Z .neg) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≤⟨ C.evalˡ 
            Z .neg
    in    begin
            (X  (Y  Z)) .neg
          ≤⟨ C.∧-greatest (Λˡ (C.∧-greatest (Λˡ lem₁) (Λˡ lem₂))) (Λˡ lem₃) 
            ((X  Y)  Z) .neg
    where open PosetReasoning C.poset
  ⊗-assoc X Y Z .proj₂ .fneg =
    let lem₁ =
            ((X  Y)  Z) .neg ∙ᶜ (Y  Z) .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.x∧y≤x _ _) 
            (Z .pos -∙ᶜ ((Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∧ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg))) ∙ᶜ (Y .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos)
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.anti-monoʳ C.refl (C.x∧y≤x _ _)) 
            (((Z .pos -∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg)) ∙ᶜ (Y .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos)))
          ≈⟨ C.∙-congˡ (C.comm _ _) 
            (Z .pos -∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg)) ∙ᶜ (Z .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            ((Z .pos -∙ᶜ (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg)) ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ C.evalˡ 
            (Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≤⟨ C.evalˡ 
            X .neg
        lem₂ =
            (((X  Y)  Z) .neg ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Z .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.monoˡ (C.x∧y≤x _ _)) 
            ((Z .pos -∙ᶜ ((Y .pos -∙ᶜ X .neg) ∧ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg))) ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Z .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.monoˡ (C.anti-monoʳ C.refl (C.x∧y≤y _ _))) 
            ((Z .pos -∙ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Z .pos
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            (Z .pos -∙ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ (X .pos ∙ᶜ Z .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.∙-congˡ (C.comm _ _) 
            (Z .pos -∙ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ (Z .pos ∙ᶜ X .pos)
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            ((Z .pos -∙ᶜ (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg)) ∙ᶜ Z .pos) ∙ᶜ X .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ C.evalˡ 
            (X .pos -∙ᶜ Y .neg) ∙ᶜ X .pos
          ≤⟨ C.evalˡ 
            Y .neg
        lem₃ =
            (((X  Y)  Z) .neg ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≤⟨ C.monoˡ (C.monoˡ (C.x∧y≤y _ _)) 
            (((X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos) -∙ᶜ Z .neg) ∙ᶜ X .pos) ∙ᶜ Y .pos
          ≈⟨ C.assoc _ _ _ 
            ((X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos) -∙ᶜ Z .neg) ∙ᶜ (X .pos ∙ᶜ Y .pos)
          ≤⟨ C.evalˡ 
            Z .neg
    in    begin
            ((X  Y)  Z) .neg
          ≤⟨ C.∧-greatest (Λˡ lem₁) (Λˡ (C.∧-greatest (Λˡ lem₂) (Λˡ lem₃))) 
            (X  (Y  Z)) .neg
    where open PosetReasoning C.poset

  ⊗-isPomonoid : IsPomonoid _≈_ _≤_ _⊗_ ε
  ⊗-isPomonoid .IsPomonoid.isPosemigroup .IsPosemigroup.isPomagma .IsPomagma.isPartialOrder = ≤-isPartialOrder
  ⊗-isPomonoid .IsPomonoid.isPosemigroup .IsPosemigroup.isPomagma .IsPomagma.mono = ⊗-mono
  ⊗-isPomonoid .IsPomonoid.isPosemigroup .IsPosemigroup.assoc = ⊗-assoc
  ⊗-isPomonoid .IsPomonoid.identity = ⊗-identity

  ⊗-isCommutativePomonoid : IsCommutativePomonoid _≈_ _≤_ _⊗_ ε
  ⊗-isCommutativePomonoid .IsCommutativePomonoid.isPomonoid = ⊗-isPomonoid
  ⊗-isCommutativePomonoid .IsCommutativePomonoid.comm x y = ⊗-comm , ⊗-comm

  -- We have a *-autonomous preorder:

  *-aut :  {X Y Z}  (X  Y)  ¬ Z  X  ¬ (Y  Z)
  *-aut m .fpos = C.∧-greatest (Λʳ (C.mono (m .fneg >> C.x∧y≤y _ _) C.refl >> C.evalˡ)) (Λˡ (m .fpos))
  *-aut m .fneg = C.reflexive (C.comm _ _) >> C.mono (m .fneg >> C.x∧y≤x _ _) C.refl >> C.evalˡ

  *-aut⁻¹ :  {X Y Z}  X  ¬ (Y  Z)  (X  Y)  ¬ Z
  *-aut⁻¹ m .fpos = C.mono (m .fpos >> C.x∧y≤y _ _) C.refl >> C.evalˡ
  *-aut⁻¹ m .fneg =
    C.∧-greatest (Λʳ (m .fneg)) (Λʳ (C.mono (m .fpos >> C.x∧y≤x _ _) C.refl >> C.evalˡ))

  ⊗-isStarAutonomous : IsStarAutonomous _≈_ _≤_ _⊗_ ε ¬
  ⊗-isStarAutonomous .IsStarAutonomous.isCommutativePomonoid = ⊗-isCommutativePomonoid
  ⊗-isStarAutonomous .IsStarAutonomous.¬-mono = ¬-mono
  ⊗-isStarAutonomous .IsStarAutonomous.¬-involutive = ¬-involutive
  ⊗-isStarAutonomous .IsStarAutonomous.*-aut = *-aut
  ⊗-isStarAutonomous .IsStarAutonomous.*-aut⁻¹ = *-aut⁻¹

  open IsStarAutonomous ⊗-isStarAutonomous public
      ( _⅋_
      ; ⅋-cong
      ; ⅋-mono
      ; ⅋-assoc
      ; ⅋-comm
      ; ⅋-identityˡ
      ; ⅋-identityʳ

  -- Additive structure

  •-∨-distrib : (x ∙ᶜ (y ∨ᶜ z)) ≤ᶜ ((x ∙ᶜ y) ∨ᶜ (x ∙ᶜ z))
  •-∨-distrib {x} {y} {z} =
    supremum∧residualʳ⇒distribˡ C.isPreorder {_∨ᶜ_} {_∙ᶜ_} C.supremum C.residualʳ x y z

  _&_ : Chu  Chu  Chu
  (X & Y) .pos = X .pos ∧ᶜ Y .pos
  (X & Y) .neg = X .neg ∨ᶜ Y .neg
  (X & Y) .int = •-∨-distrib >> C.∨-least (C.mono (C.x∧y≤x _ _) C.refl >> X .int) (C.mono (C.x∧y≤y _ _) C.refl >> Y .int)

  x&y≤x : (X & Y)  X
  x&y≤x .fpos = C.x∧y≤x _ _
  x&y≤x .fneg = C.x≤x∨y _ _

  x&y≤y : (X & Y)  Y
  x&y≤y .fpos = C.x∧y≤y _ _
  x&y≤y .fneg = C.y≤x∨y _ _

  &-greatest : X  Y  X  Z  X  (Y & Z)
  &-greatest f g .fpos = C.∧-greatest (f .fpos) (g .fpos)
  &-greatest f g .fneg = C.∨-least (f .fneg) (g .fneg)

  &-infimum : Infimum _≤_ _&_
  &-infimum X Y = x&y≤x , x&y≤y , λ Z  &-greatest

  &-isMeet : IsMeetSemilattice _≈_ _≤_ _&_
  &-isMeet .IsMeetSemilattice.isPartialOrder = ≤-isPartialOrder
  &-isMeet .IsMeetSemilattice.infimum = &-infimum

   : Chu
   .pos = ⊤ᶜ
   .neg = ⊥ᶜ
   .int = C.residualʳ ._↔_.from (C.minimum _)

  ⊤-maximum : Maximum _≤_ 
  ⊤-maximum x .fpos = C.maximum _
  ⊤-maximum x .fneg = C.minimum _

  &-⊤-isBoundedMeet : IsBoundedMeetSemilattice _≈_ _≤_ _&_ 
  &-⊤-isBoundedMeet .IsBoundedMeetSemilattice.isMeetSemilattice = &-isMeet
  &-⊤-isBoundedMeet .IsBoundedMeetSemilattice.maximum = ⊤-maximum

  -- Self-dual operators on Chu, arising from duoidal structures on
  -- the underlying order.
  module SelfDual
      {_◁ᶜ_ : Op₂ Carrier}
      {ιᶜ : Carrier}
      (∙-◁-isDuoidal : IsDuoidal _≈ᶜ_ _≤ᶜ_ _∙ᶜ_ _◁ᶜ_ εᶜ ιᶜ)
      (K-m : (K ◁ᶜ K) ≤ᶜ K)
      (K-u : ιᶜ ≤ᶜ K) -- K is a ◁-monoid

      module Duo = IsDuoidal ∙-◁-isDuoidal

    _◁_ : Chu  Chu  Chu
    (X  Y) .pos = X .pos ◁ᶜ Y .pos
    (X  Y) .neg = X .neg ◁ᶜ Y .neg
    (X  Y) .int = Duo.∙-◁-entropy _ _ _ _ >> (Duo.◁-mono (X .int) (Y .int) >> K-m)

    self-dual : ¬ (X  Y)  (¬ X  ¬ Y)
    self-dual .proj₁ .fpos = C.refl
    self-dual .proj₁ .fneg = C.refl
    self-dual .proj₂ .fpos = C.refl
    self-dual .proj₂ .fneg = C.refl

    ι : Chu
    ι .pos = ιᶜ
    ι .neg = ιᶜ
    ι .int = Duo.∙-idem-ι >> K-u

    -- ◁ is self-dual, so the structure is quite repetitive...
    ◁-mono : Monotonic₂ _≤_ _≤_ _≤_ _◁_
    ◁-mono f g .fpos = Duo.◁-mono (f .fpos) (g .fpos)
    ◁-mono f g .fneg = Duo.◁-mono (f .fneg) (g .fneg)

    ◁-assoc : Associative _≈_ _◁_
    ◁-assoc x y z = mk-≈ (Duo.◁-assoc _ _ _) (Duo.◁-assoc _ _ _)

    ◁-identityˡ : LeftIdentity _≈_ ι _◁_
    ◁-identityˡ x = mk-≈ (Duo.◁-identityˡ _) (Duo.◁-identityˡ _)

    ◁-identityʳ : RightIdentity _≈_ ι _◁_
    ◁-identityʳ x = mk-≈ (Duo.◁-identityʳ _) (Duo.◁-identityʳ _)

    ◁-identity : Identity _≈_ ι _◁_
    ◁-identity = ◁-identityˡ , ◁-identityʳ

    ◁-isPomonoid : IsPomonoid _≈_ _≤_ _◁_ ι
    ◁-isPomonoid = record
      { isPosemigroup = record
        { isPomagma = record
          { isPartialOrder = ≤-isPartialOrder
          ; mono = ◁-mono
        ; assoc = ◁-assoc
      ; identity = ◁-identity

    -- Transpose for any closed duoidal category
      -∙ᶜ-◁ᶜ-entropy : Entropy _≤ᶜ_ _◁ᶜ_ _-∙ᶜ_
      -∙ᶜ-◁ᶜ-entropy w x y z = Λˡ (Duo.∙-◁-entropy _ _ _ _ >> Duo.◁-mono C.evalˡ C.evalˡ)

    ◁-medial : ((w ∧ᶜ x) ◁ᶜ (y ∧ᶜ z)) ≤ᶜ ((w ◁ᶜ y) ∧ᶜ (x ◁ᶜ z))
    ◁-medial = C.∧-greatest (Duo.◁-mono (C.x∧y≤x _ _) (C.x∧y≤x _ _)) (Duo.◁-mono (C.x∧y≤y _ _) (C.x∧y≤y _ _))

    ⊗-◁-entropy : Entropy _≤_ _⊗_ _◁_
    ⊗-◁-entropy W X Y Z .fpos = Duo.∙-◁-entropy _ _ _ _
    ⊗-◁-entropy W X Y Z .fneg = ◁-medial >> C.∧-greatest (C.x∧y≤x _ _ >> -∙ᶜ-◁ᶜ-entropy _ _ _ _) (C.x∧y≤y _ _ >> -∙ᶜ-◁ᶜ-entropy _ _ _ _)

    ⊗-idem-ι : (ι  ι)  ι
    ⊗-idem-ι .fpos = Duo.∙-idem-ι
    ⊗-idem-ι .fneg = C.∧-greatest (Λˡ Duo.∙-idem-ι) (Λˡ Duo.∙-idem-ι)

    ◁-idem-ε : ε  (ε  ε)
    ◁-idem-ε .fpos = Duo.◁-idem-ε
    ◁-idem-ε .fneg = K-m

    ε≤ι : ε  ι
    ε≤ι .fpos = Duo.ε≲ι
    ε≤ι .fneg = K-u

    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal : IsDuoidal _≈_ _≤_ _⊗_ _◁_ ε ι
    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal .IsDuoidal.∙-isPomonoid = ⊗-isPomonoid
    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal .IsDuoidal.◁-isPomonoid = ◁-isPomonoid
    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal .IsDuoidal.∙-◁-entropy = ⊗-◁-entropy
    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal .IsDuoidal.∙-idem-ι = ⊗-idem-ι
    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal .IsDuoidal.◁-idem-ε = ◁-idem-ε
    ⊗-◁-isDuoidal .IsDuoidal.ε≲ι = ε≤ι

  module Exponential {!ᶜ : Op₁ Carrier}
      (!ᶜ-mono : Monotonic₁ _≤ᶜ_ _≤ᶜ_ !ᶜ)
      (!ᶜ-monoidal-unit : εᶜ ≤ᶜ !ᶜ εᶜ)
      (!ᶜ-monoidal  :  {x y}  (!ᶜ x ∙ᶜ !ᶜ y) ≤ᶜ !ᶜ (x ∙ᶜ y))
      (!ᶜ-discard   :  {x}  !ᶜ x ≤ᶜ εᶜ)
      (!ᶜ-duplicate :  {x}  !ᶜ x ≤ᶜ (!ᶜ x ∙ᶜ !ᶜ x))
      (!ᶜ-derelict  :  {x}  !ᶜ x ≤ᶜ x)
      (!ᶜ-dig       :  {x}  !ᶜ x ≤ᶜ !ᶜ (!ᶜ x))

     : Chu  Chu
     X = embed (!ᶜ (X .pos))

    !-mono : Monotonic₁ _≤_ _≤_ 
    !-mono x≤y .fpos = !ᶜ-mono (x≤y .fpos)
    !-mono x≤y .fneg = C.mono-antiˡ C.refl (!ᶜ-mono (x≤y .fpos))

    !-monoidal-unit : ε   ε
    !-monoidal-unit .fpos = !ᶜ-monoidal-unit
    !-monoidal-unit .fneg =
      C.anti-monoʳ !ᶜ-monoidal-unit C.refl >>
      C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.identityˡ _)) >>

    !-monoidal :  {X Y}  ( X   Y)   (X  Y)
    !-monoidal {X} {Y} .fpos = !ᶜ-monoidal
    !-monoidal {X} {Y} .fneg =
         (Λʳ (Λʳ (C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.assoc _ _ _)) >>
                   C.mono !ᶜ-monoidal C.refl >>
         (Λʳ (Λʳ (C.reflexive (C.Eq.sym (C.assoc _ _ _)) >>
                   C.mono (C.reflexive (C.comm _ _)) C.refl >>
                   C.mono !ᶜ-monoidal C.refl >>

    !-discard :  {X}   X  ε
    !-discard .fpos = !ᶜ-discard
    !-discard .fneg = Λʳ (C.mono !ᶜ-discard C.refl >> C.reflexive (C.identityˡ _))

    !-duplicate :  {X}   X  ( X   X)
    !-duplicate .fpos = !ᶜ-duplicate
    !-duplicate .fneg =  C.x∧y≤x _ _ >> Λʳ (C.mono !ᶜ-duplicate C.refl >> C.reflexive (C.assoc _ _ _) >> C.mono C.refl C.evalʳ >> C.evalʳ)

    !-derelict :  {X}   X  X
    !-derelict {X} .fpos = !ᶜ-derelict
    !-derelict {X} .fneg = Λʳ (C.mono !ᶜ-derelict C.refl >> X .int)

    !-dig :  {X}   X   ( X)
    !-dig {X} .fpos = !ᶜ-dig
    !-dig {X} .fneg = Λʳ (C.mono !ᶜ-dig C.refl >> C.evalʳ)