{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections --safe --without-K #-}

open import Level using (suc)
open import MAV.Model
open import Function using (flip; id; _∘_; _on_)
open import Data.Product using (proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; [_,_])
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Union using (_∪_)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Union as Union
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive using (Star; ε; _◅_; _▻_)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive as Star
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence using (EqClosure)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence as EqClosure
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric using (SymClosure; fwd; bwd)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric as SymClosure
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Flip.EqAndOrd as Flip

module MAV.Interpretation
    {a c ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
    (Atom : Set a)
    (M : Model c ℓ₁ ℓ₂)
    (V : Atom  M .Model.Carrier)

open import MAV.Structure Atom
open import MAV.Symmetric Atom

    P P′ : Structure
    Q Q′ : Structure

open Model M

⟦_⟧ : Structure  Carrier
 `I      = I
 `+ x    = V x
 `- x    = ¬ (V x)
 P `⅋ Q  =  P    Q 
 P `⊗ Q  =  P    Q 
 P `& Q  =  P  &  Q 
 P `⊕ Q  =  P    Q 
 P `◁ Q  =  P    Q 

dual-ok :  P    P   ¬  P 
dual-ok `I = mix
dual-ok (`+ x) = Eq.refl
dual-ok (`- x) = Eq.sym (¬-involutive _)
dual-ok (P `⅋ Q) = Eq.trans (⊗-cong (dual-ok P) (dual-ok Q)) (Eq.sym (¬-involutive _))
dual-ok (P `⊗ Q) =
  Eq.trans (⅋-cong (dual-ok P) (dual-ok Q)) (¬-cong (⊗-cong (¬-involutive _) (¬-involutive _)))
dual-ok (P `& Q) = Eq.trans (⊕-cong (dual-ok P) (dual-ok Q)) (¬-cong (&-cong (¬-involutive _) (¬-involutive _)))
dual-ok (P `⊕ Q) = Eq.trans (&-cong (dual-ok P) (dual-ok Q)) (Eq.sym (¬-involutive _))
dual-ok (P `◁ Q) = Eq.trans (◁-cong (dual-ok P) (dual-ok Q)) (Eq.sym ◁-self-dual)

-- Interpret the equivalence axioms
⟦_⟧eq-ax : P  Q   P    Q 
 `⊗-assoc     ⟧eq-ax = ⊗-assoc _ _ _
 `⊗-comm      ⟧eq-ax = ⊗-comm _ _
 `⊗-identityʳ ⟧eq-ax = ⊗-identityʳ _
 `⅋-assoc     ⟧eq-ax = ⅋-assoc _ _ _
 `⅋-comm      ⟧eq-ax = ⅋-comm _ _
 `⅋-identityʳ ⟧eq-ax = Eq.trans (⅋-cong Eq.refl mix) (⅋-identityʳ _)
 `◁-assoc     ⟧eq-ax = ◁-assoc _ _ _
 `◁-identityʳ ⟧eq-ax = Eq.trans (◁-cong Eq.refl I-eq-J) (◁-identityʳ _)
 `◁-identityˡ ⟧eq-ax = Eq.trans (◁-cong I-eq-J Eq.refl) (◁-identityˡ _)

-- The interpretation is closed under congruence
module _ {} {_𝓡_ : Rel Structure } where

  cong : (f :  {P Q}  P 𝓡 Q   P    Q )  CongClosure _𝓡_ P Q   P    Q 
  cong f (emb φ)   = f φ
  cong f (φ `⟨⊗) = ⊗-cong (cong f φ) Eq.refl
  cong f (`⊗⟩ φ) = ⊗-cong Eq.refl (cong f φ)
  cong f (φ `⟨⅋) = ⅋-cong (cong f φ) Eq.refl
  cong f (`⅋⟩ φ) = ⅋-cong Eq.refl (cong f φ)
  cong f (φ `⟨◁) = ◁-cong (cong f φ) Eq.refl
  cong f (`◁⟩ φ) = ◁-cong Eq.refl (cong f φ)
  cong f (φ `⟨&) = &-cong (cong f φ) Eq.refl
  cong f (`&⟩ φ) = &-cong Eq.refl (cong f φ)
  cong f (φ `⟨⊕) = ⊕-cong (cong f φ) Eq.refl
  cong f (`⊕⟩ φ) = ⊕-cong Eq.refl (cong f φ)

-- -- Interpret the equivalence
⟦_⟧eq : P  Q   P    Q 
⟦_⟧eq = EqClosure.gfold isEquivalence ⟦_⟧ (cong ⟦_⟧eq-ax)

-- Interpret the reduction axioms
⟦_⟧step-ax : P  Q   Q    P 
 `axiom P   ⟧step-ax =
  trans coev (⅋-mono refl (reflexive (Eq.sym (dual-ok P))))
 `cut P     ⟧step-ax =
  trans (⊗-mono refl (reflexive (dual-ok P))) (trans ev (reflexive (Eq.sym mix)))
 `tidy      ⟧step-ax = &-greatest refl refl
 `switch    ⟧step-ax = linear-distrib
 `sequence  ⟧step-ax = sequence
 `left      ⟧step-ax = x≲x⊕y _ _
 `right     ⟧step-ax = y≲x⊕y _ _
 `external  ⟧step-ax = &-⅋-distrib
 `medial    ⟧step-ax =
  &-greatest (◁-mono (x&y≲x _ _) (x&y≲x _ _)) (◁-mono (x&y≲y _ _) (x&y≲y _ _))
 `cotidy    ⟧step-ax = ⊕-least refl refl
 `cosequence ⟧step-ax = ⊗-◁-entropy _ _ _ _
 `coleft     ⟧step-ax = x&y≲x _ _
 `coright    ⟧step-ax = x&y≲y _ _
 `coexternal ⟧step-ax = ⊕-⊗-distrib .proj₂ _ _ _
 `comedial   ⟧step-ax =
  ⊕-least (◁-mono (x≲x⊕y _ _) (x≲x⊕y _ _)) (◁-mono (y≲x⊕y _ _) (y≲x⊕y _ _))

-- The interpretation is closed under monotonicity
module _ {} {_𝓡_ : Rel Structure } where

  mono : (f :  {P Q}  P 𝓡 Q   Q    P )  CongClosure _𝓡_ P Q   Q    P 
  mono f (emb φ)   = f φ
  mono f (φ `⟨◁) = ◁-mono (mono f φ) refl
  mono f (`◁⟩ φ) = ◁-mono refl (mono f φ)
  mono f (φ `⟨⊗) = ⊗-mono (mono f φ) refl
  mono f (`⊗⟩ φ) = ⊗-mono refl (mono f φ)
  mono f (φ `⟨⅋) = ⅋-mono (mono f φ) refl
  mono f (`⅋⟩ φ) = ⅋-mono refl (mono f φ)
  mono f (φ `⟨&) = &-mono (mono f φ) refl
  mono f (`&⟩ φ) = &-mono refl (mono f φ)
  mono f (φ `⟨⊕) = ⊕-mono (mono f φ) refl
  mono f (`⊕⟩ φ) = ⊕-mono refl (mono f φ)

-- Interpret the reduction modulo the equivalence
⟦_⟧step : P ⟶₌ Q   Q    P 
⟦_⟧step = [ reflexive  Eq.sym  ⟦_⟧eq , mono ⟦_⟧step-ax ]

-- Interpret the reflexive-transitive closure of reduction
⟦_⟧steps : P ⟶⋆ Q   Q    P 
⟦_⟧steps {P} {Q} = Star.gfold ⟦_⟧ (flip _≲_)  φ ψ  trans ψ  φ ⟧step) {P} {Q} {Q} refl